About Built To Live!
Inspired By God & Motivated by Grace
We offer access to a wide range of high quality teachings and spirit lifting events.
We believe the world is full of mediocre, transactional individuals, groups and leaders – including men who believe in God and go to some form of church. We also believe most individuals, groups, and leaders WANT so much more. They want to live richer, more fulfilling lives where work and ministry is far more than labor.
What’s missing in most churches is an interactive, intentional form of learning we call practice. To be truly engaged, you must be challenged to THINK, WRITE and TALK deeply about what you believe and why, and be jolted out of going through the motions.
So, just going to church is not enough. This is the conviction shared by dozens of men who engage each other every Wednesday from 7-8:30am at Core Community. Most are marketplace leaders or doctors or lawyers – some are recent college graduates, some are over 80. Many report our time together as the highlight of their week. Why? They like being challenged to engage together deeply about the three big questions of life, striving for increased clarity and alignment in answering “Why do I live? Who am I? How shall I then live?” not according to the world but according to the Word – one huge ‘L of a difference!
- Doors are open for mingling and connecting from 6:45-7:15am. Marketplace and ministry leaders alike are free to make connections and follow up off-line.
- Practice starts promptly at 7:15am and end by 8:30am — the room is ours until 9am – so feel free to stick around to continue conversations.
- We hold the line on stand-up announcements, presentations, fundraising invitations, etc
- We honor the confidentiality and integrity of emails on the sign-up sheet only for announcements about Core Community.
- With regard to connecting Core Community participants to other events, funding needs, ministry opportunities across the city:
- You can sign up here Core Community web page/newsletter with a calendar and announcements individuals can choose to subscribe to or opt out of
- Quarterly, individuals can sign-up for an “Opus” Day to give 5-minute updates about the ministry visions & burdens to inspire and connect others to what God is doing in our city.
Our Search For Life
Life’s 3 Big Questions
God’s 3 Big Answers
Join Over 100+ Men Growing in Grace and Leadership
Become Part of the Core Community and Learn to be a Leader.